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Music. Personal musings.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

À la recherche...

Some weeks ago I had a great time watching The Third Man for the first time, and what better city is there to do that in than "dear sweet old bitch Vienna", as my fellow expatriate Canadian friend - who's been here for decades - puts it. Recently however, Les Chansons d'Amour has revived my nostalgia for all things French (well, perhaps a lovely dinner this week with absinthe and a francophone guest helped) including Paris (which I barely know), as well as Montréal, Québec and its people and culture and of course poutine!

1 comment:

  1. oh did you watch reed's "the third man" because it was based in vienna? and i haven't seen honoré's "les chansons.."
    oh but i always get all: "i need to be in france" when it gets cooler...
    oh andi hardly recognised you in this do look angry! hehehe but love that you said you are having a "lovely dinner party"...i might see that kitchen later on....F...just called me..;))
